Naviate Road

Naviate Road

Have access to templates and setting files for local standards, as well as functions that together with Civil 3D create an efficient workflow.


Add widening

You can create a bus stop/rest area as a standard Civil 3D widening to an Offset Alignment. Predefined settings can be selected.

Analysing and exporting data

Property data can be used to search, analyse and quantify your design. You can edit the data and export it to CSV for further analysis or editing in e.g. Excel.

Create piles

Create piles between two surfaces. The location of the top of the piles is taken from the selected AutoCAD points. The height of the top and bottom ends is calculated from the specified surfaces.

Would you like to find out more?

Please submit your enquiry here
and a member of our team will get in touch.
Alternatively call 800.336.3375